Instructors ,will be professional, comply with the law, keep clients safe and treat them with respect.  **      At all times behave in a professional manner towards clients in line with the standards in the national standard for driver and rider training. **     At all times comply with legislative requirements including ,the protection of personal freedoms , the prevention of discrimination based on age, disability , gender, race , religion, or sexual orientation. **   Not using mobile devices like phones when driving or supervising clients driving and only when parked in a safe legal place. ** Demonstrating a high standard of driving and instructional ability upholding safety standards including showing consideration for all other road users particularly ,cyclists ,motorcyclists and horse riders. ** Consumer, workplace and data protection regulations , the handling , storing , use and dissemination of video or audio recordings made in or around their tuition vehicle.**  Avoid inappropriate physical contact with clients . ** Avoid the use of inappropriate language to clients . ** Not initiate inappropriate discussions about their own personal relationships and take care to avoid becoming involved in a clients personal affairs or discussions about a clients personal relationships , unless safeguarding concerns are raised . ** Avoid circumstances which are or could be perceived to be of an inappropriate nature . ** Respect client confidentiality whilst understanding the actions to take if a client reveals concerns about their private lives . ** Treat clients with respect and consideration and support them to achieve the learning outcomes in the national standard for driving cars and light vans (cat B) as efficiently and effectively as possible . ** Ensure that their knowledge and skills on all matters relating to the provision of driver training comply with the current practice and legislative requirements . ** Use social network sites responsibly and professionally . ** Ensuring that clients personal information is not compromised .**  Ensuring when using social media for marketing purposes that what is written is compliant with privacy and data protection legislation pertaining to digital communications , the laws regarding spam, copyright and other issues. ** Treating other users of social media including clients , colleagues and their views with respect . ** Be careful not to defame the reputation of colleagues , DVSA ,driving examiners or the ADI register .**  Not distribute circulate or publish footage taken of driving tests from in-car cameras , without permission from DVSA and the client .